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Versuri Inna 10 minutes

Rock your body , c’mon everybody
Somebody stop me , when I dance I’m losing control
You see me yo , this is stereo
I wanna hear my song one time on the radio
Let me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes ago
Shake shake shake your body, move on the floor like ten minutes ago
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace, dj turn off the bass
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace , everybody do ït on the floor

I’m gonna do this step by step do it anyway got to feel your loving
I’m gonna break even the law of gravity to see you in the morning

I’m gonna do this step by step do it anyway got to feel your loving
I’m gonna break even the law of the gravity to see you in the morning

Let me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes ago
Shake shake shake your body, move on the floor like ten minutes ago
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace, dj turn off the bass
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace , everybody do it on the floor
I’m gonna do this step by step do it anyway got to feel your loving
I’m gonna break even the law of gravity to see you in the morning

Let me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes ago

Shake shake shake your body, move on the floor like ten minutes ago
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace, dj turn off the bass
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace , everybody do it on the floor

I’m gonna do this step by step do it anyway got to feel your loving
I’m gonna break even the law of gravity to see you in the morning

Let me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes ago

Shake shake shake your body, move on the floor like ten minutes ago
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace, dj turn off the bass
Winning in every place cuz your my lucky ace , everybody do it on the floor

Rock your body , c’mon everybody
Somebody stop me , when I dance I’m losing control
You see me yo , this is stereo
I wanna hear my song one time on the radio

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